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Merges its props onto its immediate child.


How is this component different from Vue native slot?

A: The biggest different is how it handles the attributes assigned to it.

Native slot treat any binded value as Scoped Slots, where the values will be exposed to the parent template and be consumed.

But Radix Vue's slot behave differently, it would merge all the assigned attributes onto it's immediate child.


Say we want to assign an id attribute to whatever component/element that was rendered, but Native slot will convert it into a scoped slot, and you will need to assign that id manually.

<!-- Native Slot -->
<!-- Comp.vue -->
  <slot id="radix-01">

<!-- parent template -->
  <Comp v-slot="slotProps">
    <button :id="">...<button>

(You can check out Vue SFC Playground and see that the id wasn't being inheritted.)

This would be troublesome if you want to ensure some attributes are being passed onto certain element, maybe for accessibility reason.

Alternatively, If you use Slot from Radix Vue, the attributes assigned to the Slot component will be inheritted by the immediate child element, but you will no longer have access to the Scoped Slot,

<!-- Radix Vue Slot -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Slot } from 'radix-vue'

<!-- Comp.vue -->
  <Slot id="radix-01">

<!-- parent template -->
    <!-- id will be inherrited -->